Delving into the viral proteome

Viruses and the proteins they code for continually evolve for optimal engagement with their host’s biology, providing a treasure chest of potential medicines across many therapeutic areas. 

Found in Nature. Engineered by Evolution.

Proteins are powerful biological regulators, working together to control how our bodies function.

Proteins are powerful biological regulators, working together to control how our bodies function. Today, the viral proteome, the set of proteins produced across all viruses, contains more than 6 million proteins, dwarfing the 20,000 human proteins by orders of magnitude. This gap will continue to grow as sequencing efforts to identify novel viral genomes expand and viral proteins keep evolving against evolutionary pressures. 

Using our Decoding Evolutionary Logic of Variant Ensembles (DELVE)™ Platform, we are the first to systematically harness the potential of the entire viral proteome to uncover proteins that can regulate human physiology and program them for the treatment of disease. 

The DELVE Platform

Unlocking viral proteome-assisted drug discovery

DELVE is a scalable, cutting-edge platform that combines computation and high-throughput biology to identify powerful proteins with advanced characteristics.

At the heart of our platform is a comprehensive knowledge graph – the largest known database of viral protein structures layered with detailed data from known human proteins and annotations of previously uncharacterized viral proteins predicted through our proprietary computational framework. Through this knowledge graph, and with today’s advances in large language models and next-generation sequencing, we can identify associations between previously unexplored viral proteins and known human biology in order to identify powerful potential new medicines, and even unlock the association between viral proteins and common disease onset.


Endless opportunities, revolutionary potential.

We are a trailblazing team dedicated to unraveling the mysteries and untapped potential of the viral proteome. Join us as we harness the power of evolution to create new medicines.

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